Tasleema Akhter greets Muslim Community of Jammu Kashmir on eve of Eid ul Fiter 2023

Tasleema Akhter greets Muslim Community of Jammu Kashmir on eve of Eid ul Fiter 2023


Prays for Peace Progress and proceperity for JK


On eve of Eid ul Fiter the Democratic Progressive Azad party State Secretary Jammu and Kashmir Ms Tasleema Akhter extended her warm greetings to the Muslims Ummah of Jammu kashmir & Ladakh


During her greeting she urged Divisional administration jammu/ Kashmir to provide adequate arrangement like water, electricity, Food items, on eve of Eid ul fitr so that no one suffer more and the concerned departments should full fill the all help to the poor and needy people.


Tasleema further prays to Almighty Allah to accept our fasting, prayers & charity as well keep us firm on the path of righteousness.


Added that Let this great occasion bring Peace , Progress and Prosperity to jammu Kashmir Ladakh