Jammu and Kashmir hopes to get justice in Supreme Court The secret to protecting public interest lies in the strengthening of the National Conference: Dr Farooq

Jammu and Kashmir hopes to get justice in Supreme Court
The secret to protecting public interest lies in the strengthening of the National Conference: Dr Farooq

While hoping for justice for the people of Jammu and Kashmir from the Supreme Court, National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah has said that what happened to us on August 5, 2019 was unconstitutional and undemocratic.


Our case is under hearing in the highest court, we are fighting with all our strength for the justice of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the highest lawyers of the country are representing us, we are in the right and we have full hope that the 5 judges will The constitutional bench will restore our constitutional and democratic rights while maintaining the supremacy of the constitution.


According to News Agency, in a ceremony at the party headquarters, 50 officials and workers of various organizations belonging to Ganderbal constituency joined the National Conference. including 2 DDC members and several panches and sarpanches.

Dr. Farooq Abdullah welcomed those who joined the party and said that the secret of protecting the rights and interests of the people of Jammu and Kashmir lies in the strength of the National Conference. He said that the strength of the party is very important for the toughest challenges we are facing at the moment. In order to end the ongoing persecution and injustice in Jammu and Kashmir, unity and agreement is necessary and we have to strengthen our ranks while keeping our mutual doubts and complaints aside. Just as the great leaders of the National Conference sacrificed their personal interests in the past, we all have to play the same role.

He has urged the party associates to be wary of the tricks of opportunistic and conscientious politicians and also to keep a close eye on the existing black wolves in their ranks. Appealing once again for effective and concrete measures against the scourge of drugs, Dr. Farooq Abdullah said that God forbid, if the trend of drug use among our youth increases at the same rate, then the nation and the nation will face many problems in the future.

Difficulties will be faced and it will be nothing less than a tragedy for us. The use of drugs will not only increase the incidence of suicide, but also the graph of other crimes is increasing day by day. Today it is the turn that drug addict youths do not hesitate to kill their parents.


He said that to eradicate drugs and other social innovations, everyone has to play their role and parents have the biggest role in this. It has become very important to equip our children with religious education along with mainstream education and to train them properly.
