JKSSB Junior Stenographer Admit Card Link 2022
JKSSB Admit Card/ Mock test link for the Computer based Written Test (CBT) examinations to be conducted by Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) on 29th November, 2022.
The JKSSB is going to conduct Computer Based Test (CBT) examination for the posts of Junior Stenographer/Junior Scale Stenographer/Steno Typist on 29th November, 2022.
The Level-I admit cards of the candidates for the said examination have been uploaded and are available for downloading from 22.11.2022.

Vacancy Details:
1. Horticulture Technician Grade IV: 198 Posts
2. Junior Stenographer/Junior Scale Stenographer/Steno Typist: 217 Posts
How to download JKSSB Admit Card:
- Visit the official website of JKSSB, i.e., www.jkssb.nic.in.
- On the homepage, there will be a link to download Admit Card.
- Click on the link/button and Login using your Application ID and the Password will be your DOB in YYYYMMDD format.
- Click on the ‘View.
- Download and Print your admit card.
- The candidates are advised to download admit cards from the official website.
Besides, a Mock Test link for the Computer Based written Test Examination has also been created for the convenience of the candidates and can be accessed through the Admit Card download link available on the official website of JKSSB for the candidates to get familiar with the examination interface.